

Tuesday, April 2

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Clouds of Prejudice: The Ku Klux Klan in Salem," John Ritter [T. Zook], Ford 122

The organization and activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Salem*.

John RitterDr. John Ritter's
bio. includes Adjunct Professor of History at Corban University and Linfield College, Guggenheim Fellow in American History, Taft Fellow in American Government, and Fulbright Fellow in Arabic Studies. He has received six National Endowment for the Humanities awards, and has graduate degrees in History, Geography, Corrections and Special Education. He has taught history for 40 years and specializes in Salem History. A lifelong Salem resident, he grew up on a West Salem farm.

*For a bibliography of the KKK in Oregon (submitted by Dr. Ritter), please click here.

1:00-3:00 p.m.
"Twin Art: A Life of Collaboration," Lisa and Lori Lubbesmeyer [Milt Robbins], Ford 122

Lisa & Lori LubbesmeyerWhile sharing a studio in Bend, Oregon, the Lubbesmeyer twins have become known for their use of color and motion in their unique collaborative art. Their lives have been a journey of joys and trials as twins, hinged together by a passion for creating art. Lisa and Lori will be talking about their earliest creative sparks, their twin experience, and how that brought them to their current lives as professional artists.

After working individually for a decade as a printmaker and painter, Lisa and Lori began their collaboration as artists. Through the process of exchanging their work, the twins carry on a visual dialogue, which inspires them to explore the complexities of their relationship. Since combining their artistic talents 13 years ago, the sisters have received numerous awards for their art. In addition to being featured on OPB’s Oregon Art Beat, the Lubbesmeyers’ work is exhibited in galleries and museums around the country. They also have the honor of having their work collected throughout the world.

Thursday, April 4

10:00–11:00 a.m.
"Best Books of 2012," Robin Beerbower [Lois Rosen], Ford 122

Every year Robin Beerbower from the Salem Public Library creates a list of the 60-plus books from the past year, as collected from literary critics and library staff. In a fast-faced and lively presentation, she will give a brief talk about books from the list, focusing on leisure reading and recommendations for reading groups.

Robin BeerbowerRobin has loved to read and recommend books since she was in the first grade. Robin started working at the Salem Library in 1973 as a Clerk II at the West Salem Branch. Over the past 38 years she has worked in a variety of positions including Circulation Library Assistant, Bookmobile librarian/driver (17 years), and Open.org accounts coordinator. In the early 1990s she started working as a fiction selector and in the late 1990s added homebound services coordinator to her duties. She is still managing the homebound services program and selecting fiction and large print titles, along with working at the West Salem Branch and the Circulation department.

11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"Language Families – Clues to the Past," Language Video, Prof. John McWhorter [G. Adkins], Ford 122

John McWhorterThis is ¿ì»îÊÓƵ 11 in the video series on Language by Prof. John McWhorter.

There are dozens of language families in the world. Their geographic distribution gives clues as to how humans have spread through migration. In this lecture examples of human migration are related to the Austronesian language group (about 1000 languages), the Bantu language group (about 500 languages), and the Native American language group (over 1000 languages). Basque is an example of a now isolated language that was probably much more widespread but Basque speakers have been replaced by Indo-European migrants. The Khoi-San languages (African click languages) are discussed and the concept of the ‘first language’ is introduced. This lecture will be hosted by Bill Griffitts.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Hybridizer on the Loose,", Kevin Vaughn [P. Rice], Ford 122

Kevin Vaughn is a plant geneticist, who has brought about 200 new plants to the market. He writes, "My talk will describe the ways in which I was able to obtain my various hybrids. You will see the differences between how a gardener and a hybridizer approach gardening. There will be LOTS of photos of new plants that are being developed to be released to the market. You will have a chance to see them long before you see them in your local gardening center. Many are really neat plants! I can't wait to share these pictures with you."

Kevin Vaughn

Kevin is a native of MA and started to breed plants at 10 years of age under tutelage of neighbor Polly Bishop. He had his first plants on the market at age 14 and prize-winning plants at age 19. This work in the backyard led to a PhD in plant genetics from Miami University of Ohio, one of the best botany programs in the country. His PhD work was on the inheritance of variegation in Hosta, portions of which were published in the journal ¿ì»îÊÓƵ.

After graduating, Kevin took a job as a cell biologist/plant physiologist with the USDA in Stoneville MS, where he investigated weed biology, herbicide mode of action and herbicide resistance. He was awarded "Scientist of the Year" by USDA and "Young Weed Scientist," "Outstanding Research Award" and "Fellow" of the Weed ¿ì»îÊÓƵ Society of America. While there he developed extensive programs in daylilies and irises and introduced a number of plants. He was president of the Society for Louisiana Irises and co-wrote the book "Louisiana Irises: Taming of a Native American Wildflower." He was awarded the "Distinguished Merit Award" from the Society for Louisiana Irises and the "Alex J. Summers" and "Eunice Fisher Awards" from the American Hosta for lifetime achievements in hosta breeding .

He retired in 2010 and moved his breeding program to a three acre tract on River Road South, where the breeding is going on at a high pace, with nearly 10,000 seedlings in various stages of testing. Approximately 200 varieties have already reached the market.

Kevin's second lifelong passion is music; he is a talented clarinet and oboe player

Tuesday, April 9

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"The Art of Collaboration—Collaboration in Art," Ann Kresge [D. White], Ford 122

Ann KresgeArtist and educator Ann Kresge will present her work with an eye to the collaborative process. Kresge’s work includes Limited Edition and one-of–a–kind Artists’ Books, printmaking, installation set design and video. She has collaborated with poets, storytellers, musicians, dancers, children and parents. Her interactive shadow puppet book, SHADOW PLAY was the recipient of the National Museum of Women in the Arts Library Fellows Publishing Prize. This presentation will include examples of this piece and others within the broad range of media she explores. If time and interest allow she, will engage attendees in a hands-on participatory collaboration.
For examples of Kresge’s work see her website:

Ann Kresge is an internationally exhibited artist whose works are in university, museum and private collections. She works in a range of media and has a specialty in printmaking and book arts. She has a BA in Studio Art from Smith College and an MFA in Printmaking and Graphic Design from Pratt Institute. Her interests lie in expressing a sense of place through symbol, color and texture. Her artists’ books include flyable pages and an interactive shadow puppet theater. Her interart work involves installations, video, stage sets and collaborations with improvisational musicians, poets and dancers. The collaborations have been exhibited and performed in the US, Japan, Mexico, Europe and China.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Measure for Measure," Susan Coromel, Willamette Theatre Department [P. Rasmussen], Ford 122

Susan Coromel

Susan Coromel, Professor of Theater in the Willamette Theater Department, will present to ICL. She will discuss the theater production that will run from April 12th through April 27th.

Written in 1604, Measure for Measure is a play about government, corruption, justice and mercy. Duke Vincentio wants a break from governing Vienna, where the sex trade is running rife. So he calls on his deputy, Angelo, to take charge. Instead of leaving the city, though, the duke dons a disguise and spies on Angelo. At first, Angelo rules out brothels and clamps down on sex. But when he comes up against Isabella, the virtuous sister of the condemned Claudio, he falls foul of his own judgment, resulting in a spiraling series of deceptions, hypocrisy and scandal.

Susan Coromel received her MFA in Acting from the Professional Actor's Training Program at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Susan is a member of the Actor's Equity Association and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and The Voice and Speech Trainer Association.

Thursday, April 11

10:00–11:00 a.m.
"Voice in Fiction," Gabriel Blackwell [Lois Rosen], Ford 122

There is no such thing as an inherently compelling story; the difference between the driest history and the most exciting thriller is not the subject matter but the way it is presented. Gilgamesh or grocery list, the success of all stories comes down to one thing: voice. For the writer, finding and maintaining the proper voice is essential to keeping the reader engaged. For the reader, recognizing the voice at work is essential to understanding the story. Using three simple concepts and a few examples, Gabriel Blackwell will explain how to properly take advantage of voice as a reader or writer.

Gabriel BlackwellGabriel Blackwell is Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Willamette University. He is the author of Shadow Man: A Biography of Lewis Miles Archer (CCM, 2012), Critique of Pure Reason (Noemi, 2012), and , a chapbook with video/audio/illustrations. He is the reviews editor of and a contributor to .

11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"Oregon's Meat and Livestock Industry," Nate Rafn [J. Zook], Ford 122

This presentation will offer an overview of livestock production and meat processing in Oregon. We will explore industry statistics, challenges, new opportunities and areas of growth. The discussion will include useful information for consumers, and resources for those who want to support local ranchers.

Nate RafnNate Rafn is the executive producer of Living Culture, a television program about local food and agriculture. He and his wife, Rochelle, operate Dinner at the Rafns', a monthly supper-club that highlights local farmers and artisans. More information can be found at www.livingcultureonline.com and www.dinnerattherafns.com, as well as .

1:00–2:00 p.m.
"Favorite Books," Beryl MacDonald, Ford 122

These ICL members will tell us about one of their favorite books:

Judy Heltzel: The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes
Jeanette Flaming: The Wilderness World of John Muir by John Muir
Hardin King: Your Inner Fish by Neil Shulin
Sally Shriver: Elizabeth and Hazel by David Margolick
Betty Kasoff: Holy Cow by Sarah McDonald
Jan Svingen: Wild by Cheryl Strayed

2:00–3:00 p.m.
"Contemporary Literature Discussion," Bea Epperson, Ford 122

The Secrets of Mary BowserWe will discuss The Secrets of Mary Bowser by Lois Leveen.

Based on a remarkable true story, The Secrets of Mary Bowser is an inspiring tale of one daring woman's willingness to sacrifice her own freedom to change the course of history. All her life, Mary has been a slave to the wealthy Van Lew family of Richmond, Virginia. But when Bet, the willful Van Lew daughter, decides to send Mary to Philadelphia to be educated, she must leave her family to seize her freedom.

Life in the North brings new friendships, a courtship, and a far different education than Mary ever expected, one that leads her into the heart of the abolition movement. With the nation edging toward war, she defies Virginia law by returning to Richmond to care for her ailing father—and to fight for emancipation. Posing as a slave in the Confederate White House in order to spy on President Jefferson Davis, Mary deceives even those who are closest to her to aid the Union command.

Just when it seems that all her courageous gambles to end slavery will pay off, Mary discovers that everything comes at a cost—even freedom.

– Review from Amazon.com

Lois LeveenAward-winning author Lois Leveen dwells in the spaces where literature and history meet. A confirmed book geek, Lois earned degrees in history and literature from Harvard, the University of Southern California, and UCLA, and taught at UCLA and at Reed College. She is a regular contributor to Disunion, the New York Times coverage of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War, and her poetry and essays have appeared in numerous books, literary journals, and on NPR. Lois gives talks about American history and literature at libraries, bookstores, universities, museums, teacher training programs, and conferences throughout the country. She lives in a bright green house in Portland, Oregon, with a charming, bipedal Newfoundlander.

– Bio from author's web site

Tuesday, April 16

10:00–11:00 a.m.
"The Assistance League: Volunteers Enriching Lives," Jan Svingen, Ford 122

The Assistance League and its Auxiliary will present a program explaining their philanthropic activities in the Salem-Keizer area. There will be opportunity for discussion and questions.

"In 2010 my children's dad was diagnosed with cancer and underwent chemo. He was out of work for a long time. Operation School Bell was able to provide clothes, shoes and coats for our 5 children so that they could go to school."

"Tell your ladies, I will work hard and not let them down." These words from an 18 year old foster child who aged out of the system and had been shopping with an Auxiliary member to furnish his dorm room.

The above quotes are from two of many people served by the Assistance League and its Auxiliary. Come hear about the work of volunteers committed to making life better for our most vulnerable citizens.

In 2011-2012 the Assistance League of Salem-Keizer through the efforts of the 430 volunteer members, donated 59,833 hours and served 26,000 children and adults in a 12 month period.

Members of the Assistance League and Auxiliary of Salem-Keizer will talk about their philanthropic programs consisting of Operation School Bell, Operation Backpack, Puppets with Purpose, Independent Living, Birthday Bag, Operation Art Adventures and Operation Bookshelf.

11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"Churchill, Manitoba: More Than Just Polar Bears," Paul Rice, Ford 122

Paul Rice

Churchill has a strong historical significance in Canada and even had a role in the American Revolution. Churchill was and is a nexus for broad issues of economics, trade, development, and now global warming. ICL member Paul Rice will explore the history and trends; talk about the Polar Bear as the big white canary in the mine of climate change; and take you on a quick trip to the subarctic toward one end of the world, in more ways than one.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"Trios," Susan Miller, Karen Vincent, Cathy Heithaus and Andrea Chandler [S. Holmquist & J. Miller], Cone Chapel

We will trace the history of the trio from the baroque trio sonata to the classical piano trio.

Susan MillerSusan Miller
is a keyboard musician focusing on Renaissance music. She has been a part of the Salem musical scene for 35 years. She has played harpsichord with the Salem Chamber Orchestra, The Musicke Consort, Trio St. Cecilia, and many ensembles assembled for playing baroque music. She has added the fortepiano to her collection of instruments so that she can play early classical music as well. Her training is in music history with degrees from the University of Georgia and Case Western Reserve University. She is currently trying to learn how to fiddle.

Karen VincentKaren Vincent
(viola/violin) has been a member of the prestigious Portland Baroque Orchestra for many years. She is presently dividing her time between Bellingham, Washington and Salem, Oregon since her recent marriage. In the ‘north’ she performs chamber music and coaches youth symphony violists. In the ‘south’ Karen is a violist with the Linfield Chamber Orchestra, Willamette Master Chorus Orchestra, PBO, Portland Bach Cantata Choir, Salem Baroque Ensemble and violinist with Trio St. Cecilia. She has taught at Linfield College and Western Washington University and her music degrees are from the University of Washington. She raised three children while playing Portland Opera and Salem Symphony, her eldest daughter Jennifer going on to be a professional bassist in New York. She is proud of her four grandchildren and does hope they will enjoy music as much as she does.

Cathy HeithausCathy Heithaus
studied music and graduated from University of Colorado, Boulder. In Oregon since 1977, Cathy has performed in the Portland Opera Orchestra, Eugene Symphony, and currently plays with the Salem Chamber Orchestra, Corvallis Symphony, and the Linfield Chamber Orchestra. She has been Principal 2nd violin in the Salem Chamber Orchestra since it’s founding in 1984. She performs chamber music in the Deepwood Strings for weddings, parties and receptions. She also volunteers to play at soirees, house concerts that raise money for causes such as Salem Chamber Orchestra, Audubon Society, Basic Rights Oregon, and Western Oregon University.

Thursday, April 18

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"China in Africa," Great Decisions, Prof. Laura Taylor [J. Flaming], Ford 122

Laura Taylor

What interests govern China's engagement in Africa? Should China's growing emphasis on political ties and natural resource extraction inform U.S. relations with African nations?

Willamette's Associate Professor of Economics Laura Taylor will be our presenter.
1:00-3:00 p.m.
"ICL Goes to Hell," a One-Act Play by ICL Players [P. Rasmussen], Ford 122

A one act play and several dramatic readings explore different views of what happens after death, and what these ideas say about the way we live.

Tuesday, April 23 All Day

8:00 a.m.–4:30/5:00 p.m.
ICL Spring Field Trip

Depart: Mission Mill – 8:15am (begin bus loading at 8:00am)
Return: Mission Mill – 4:30-5:00pm
Cost per person: $30

There are two stops in the morning, and one stop after lunch in the afternoon. Our guided tours will be primarily outdoors in the morning, and indoors in the afternoon.

Detailed Itinerary:
• 8:00 am: Begin loading bus in Mission Mill ¿ì»îÊÓƵing Lot
• 8:15 am: Depart Mission Mill
• 8:45–10:30 am: Tour Willow Lake Water Pollution Control Facility, Keizer (mostly outdoors–dress accordingly)
• 11:15 am–12:15 pm: Tour Talking Water Gardens, Albany (also outdoors)
• 12:30–2:00 pm: Lunch at Novak's Hungarian restaurant, Albany
• 2:15–4:00 pm: Tour Palm Harbor Homes, Millersburg (no cameras or video in the manufacturing plant)
• 4:30–5:00 pm: Return to Mission Mill

Willow Lake Water Pollution Control Facility – Keizer
Stephanie Eisner, Wastewater Operations Manager, will walk us through the facility beginning where the wastewater enters the plant and ending where the treated water leaves the plant. We’ll view all the processes in between. Water from this facility is discharged into the Willamette River to be used for recreation, wildlife, water rights and drinking water for the city of Wilsonville.

Talking Water Gardens – Albany
Tour the 50-acre engineered wetland with Heather Slocum, Water Resources & Wetlands Outreach Coordinator.
She’ll describe the 9 wetland cells that are beautifully constructed to attract birds and other wildlife while performing the important function of cooling treated wastewater to a temperature that makes it safe to enter the Willamette River without harming fish and other wildlife. The Gardens are an award-winning, public-private partnership between the cities of Albany, Millersburg, and ATI Wah Chang.

Novak’s Hungarian Restaurant - Albany
We have 4 options for lunch, including several Hungarian specialties. The restaurant was the dream of Hungarian immigrants who arrived in Oregon in the 1950’s. It is still operated by their daughters today.

Palm Harbor Homes - Millersburg
We’ll tour the production plant, the visitor’s center historical exhibits, and several furnished model homes with Ben Roche, Manager. We’ll see how these modular homes are built using the latest in “green” building and energy efficient technologies.

Thursday, April 25

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
"The History of San Francisco: A Day with San Francisco Screenwriter and Novelist, James Dalessandro," James Dalessandro [Don Gallagher], Ford 122

James Dalessandro

“Like a phoenix across centuries, San Francisco falls to earthquakes, fires and economic busts and always rises anew, brighter and reinvigorated. The history of San Francisco, California, a beloved seaport of dreams and disaster, is rich with the virtues and vices of generations, making San Francisco's history as vibrant as the characters that have colored its foggy hills and valleys.“ ……..

ICL is most fortunate to enjoy a full day immersed in the rich history of the San Francisco area with James Dalessandro. We are going to be joining the vibrant characters in that history at the hands of a masterful storyteller.

Postpone your early summer trips and put this one on your calendar as “Can’t Miss”! Relive the 1906 earthquake and the disastrous fire that followed with the writer/director/producer of the award-winning documentary, The Damnedest, Finest Ruins, and screenwriter of the upcoming Warner Brothers feature film, 1906, based on his 2005 novel, an epic re-creation of the events of that year.

We will hear stories of the discovery and settlement of the area, including: The Gold Rush; Alcatraz; Chinatown; Golden Gate Bridge; Cable Cars; Victorian Homes; and building of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Transcontinental Railroad.

Our presenter, James Dalessandro is a veteran of the Writers Guild of America and has written the screenplays for his novels, Bohemian Heart, Citizen Jane and 1906. His 2005 novel 1906, an epic recreation of the great San Francisco earthquake and fire is in pre-production as a film at Warner Brothers and PIXAR. A 25-year member of the Writer's Guild of America, Mr. Dalessandro is also writer/director/producer of the award-winning documentary, The Damnedest, Finest Ruins, and screenwriter of the upcoming Warner Brothers feature film, 1906, based on his novel. He is an Instructor of Advanced Screenwriting and Television Writing at the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco, and a charter member of ProtectingAmerica.org. He has made numerous appearances on national television and radio as an advocate for increased disaster preparation, including CNN, NBC, FOX, Clear Channel, and NPR

1:00–3:00 p.m.
"The History of San Francisco: A Day with San Francisco Screenwriter and Novelist, James Dalessandro," James Dalessandro (continued), Ford 122

The morning program is continued.

Tuesday, April 30

10:00–12:00 p.m.
"Politicized Hiring in the Public Sector: Does it Help or Hurt Government Performance?" Tim Johnson [M. Kasoff], Ford 122

Across the United States, public agencies strive to remove political considerations from employee selection. Yet, through executive appointments and preferential hiring, politics often reinserts itself into the selection of government personnel. Is this politicized hiring an impediment to effective government operations, or could politicization enhance public sector performance? This class session will address that question via theoretical analysis and the exploration of data concerning government employee performance. In so doing, the session will encourage its participants to challenge common perceptions about “meritocratic” hiring and it will help participants consider how politicization might contribute to the construction of successful government workforces.

Tim JohnsonTim Johnson, Atkinson Graduate School of Management, Willamette University, has a B.A. from the University of Oregon, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Stanford University. He has been Visiting Assistant Professor of Public Management and Public Policy at Willamette since 2011. His research seeks to understand how individuals use formal institutions, social norms, and their knowledge of behavioral regularities in order to achieve successful cooperation and strong organizational performance.

1:00–3:00 p.m.
Humor Potpourri, Ford 122
The following ICL members will share their favorite humorous stories:
David Engen, Solveig Holmquist, Kasia Quillinan, Eunice Porter, Don Gallagher, and more.
Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

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