

Tuesday, April 5

10:00 a.m.
Big History, 快活视频 43: The 20th Century , Ford 122

In just two hundred years, the Modern Revolution transformed much of the world. What were the causes? Wars, growth of population, need for energy, need and use of transportation, affluence, and communication capabilities. Capitalism became "consumer capitalism," producers found they needed wage earners to buy the goods so that profits are made and continue to be made.

ICL Presenter: Sally Schriver

11:00 a.m.
Big History, 快活视频 44: The World that the Modern Revolution Made , Ford 122

Here is a tentative sketch of some striking features of this world: Rapid innovation means rapid change; it has destroyed the lifeways and social structures that had shaped human lives in earlier eras of human history; and, it has created entirely new lifeways and new types of communities. Lifeways are increasingly dominated by wage earning and the emergence of vast cities. Can these changes continue?

ICL Presenter: Paul Rice.

1:00鈥3:00 p.m.
The Three Necked Harpolyre - Hailed as "The Guitar of the Future" in 1829, Ford 122

Professor John Doan will address four questions: What is it? Why was it? Why did Fernando Sor ("Father of the Classical Guitar") compose for it? Why is little known about it? Professor Doan is the only person in the world who plays the harpolyre and is the first to perform and record Sor's lost music composed for the instrument in 1830. He will play and discuss several instruments from his personal collection dating from 1750 to 1829, including an original Harpolyre ca. 1829. John Doan is Associate Professor of Guitar at Willamette University, and a touring and recording artist who has appeared on radio and television across the country.

Thursday, April 7

10:00 a.m鈥12:00 p.m.
Great Decisions: Global Governance, Ford 122

International cooperation subjects political leaders to an ongoing test: balancing national needs with a commitment to building a durable international order. How has an increasingly interconnected and shrinking world affected the viability of existing agreements and institutions? What economic, social, political and security concerns are currently on the agendas of intergovernmental bodies, and what is the future U.S. role?

Participants will be Wayne Seely, Marion Dearman, José Ricoy and Bill Devery.

1:00鈥3:00 p.m.
Cliptomania!: The Culture of Popular Poetry in Depression-Era America, Ford 122

Using archival materials–poetry scrapbooks and political ephemera from the Depression–this presentation will focus on what happened to popular poetry that was widely published, but that never made it into the textbooks. Our presenter is Mike Chasar, Assistant Professor of English at Willamette University.Professor Chasar is currently on junior sabbatical and completing a book on American popular poetry between World War I and II.

Tuesday, April 12

10:00鈥12:00 a.m.
Alzheimer's Disease and Stroke, Ford 122

Dr. Michael Wynn, neurologist, and Dr. Michael Miller, geriatric psychiatrist, will review our current understanding of the two most common causes of memory loss: Alzheimer's-type dementia and cerebrovascular disease (stroke). The epidemiology, neuroanatomy, physiology, and natural history of these common disorders will be discussed. Prevention and treatment strategies will also be presented.

1:00鈥3:00 p.m.
Play Reading, Ford 122

It is not too late to be a part of the old time radio show play reading. Sign the clipboard under the bulletin board or let Deborah Ehlers, Florence Bajaj, Peter Rasmussen or Rosa Barton know you are interested. You could also just come to the audition on Tuesday, February 22.

To find a down loadable version of the "High Noon" script:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to, and open the 6 Jack Benny scripts.
  3. Open "High Noon"

For the script of the second play, "Radio Jumble," click here.

Raoul van Hall will also speak to us this afternoon thanks to Peter Rasmussen. Raoul van Hall is OPB Radio's operations manager. He started in radio as a DJ in markets such as Seattle, Detroit and Spokane. Since 1980, Raoul has served as a program director, music director, operations manager and on-air personality in Eugene, Oregon and as a broadcast programming consultant for several radio stations. In addition, he has also had a side career doing commercial voiceovers and film narration work. Raoul is the proud guardian of a cat named Phaedra.

Thursday, April 14

10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Great Decisions: 鈥淩ebuilding Haiti鈥, Ford 122

The January 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti struck a country already suffering from widespread poverty and underdevelopment. Did this natural disaster inadvertently provide an opportunity for reassessment and planning a new Haiti? With presidential elections looming in early 2011, what can new leadership bring to restore the country? In addition to viewing the DVD, Dr. Guesly Dessieux, a physician from Stayton, will be sharing his trips and experiences as well as observations about Haiti in general. Discussion follows.

1:00 p.m.
Big History, 快活视频 45: Human History and the Biosphere , Ford 122

Why has our species had such an extraordinary impact on the biosphere? Over the course of human history, there have been huge and disruptive changes in the earth, water, air and living organisms inhabiting the earth. This started in the Paleolithic era, multiplied many fold in the Agrarian era, and has exploded in the Modern Revolution. In fact, evidence is accumulating that we are now using more resources than the biosphere can provide and the rate is accelerating. What will be the final outcome for the biosphere and for our own species? David Christian will lead us into a view of what the future might bring.

ICL Presenter: Bea Epperson

2:00 p.m.
Big History, 快活视频 46: The Next 100 Years , Ford 122

Population, consumption, and human impacts on the environment are all growing too quickly, and each increases the likelihood of violent conflicts. Yet there are hopeful trends such as slowing population growth, increased ecological awareness, and accelerating innovation. Will we find the insight and political will needed to ensure that our descendants do not have to pay for our mistakes? ICL Presenter: Jyl McCormick.

Tuesday, April 19

10:00 a.m.
Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines, Ford 122

ICL presenter Gerry Lundeen will describe how natural gas fired CCCTs work, and the role they play in Oregon's electricity generation. He will also outline the natural gas system in Oregon and touch on proposed LNG importation.

11:00 a.m.
Book Discussion鈥"Sarah's Key" , Ford 122

ICL member Lois Rosen returns to lead a discussion of “Sarah’s Key” by Tatiana De Rosnay. Lois has a way of making the discussion worthwhile, whether or not you have had a chance to read the book.

1:00鈥3:00 p.m.
Human Trafficking, Ford 122

Students for Change, a group of West Salem High school students dedicated to making the world a better place, will present their research on human trafficking as it occurs in both the local and global arenas. They will describe the current state of this problem and directions they feel should be pursued to alleviate it. This will include their action plan, and a progress report on its implementation. Activities to date include a letters-to-the-editor campaign, testifying before a state panel investigating the problem, and fund-raising for a shelter for women victims of human trafficking.

Thursday, April 21

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Cultural Diversity: Greater Mutual Respect, Understanding and Appreciation Through Anthropologic Evidence, Ford 122

The use of anthropologic and archaeological evidence to reveal the "Glorious Past," marvelous diversity and remarkable adaptive ability of all people, past and present, is the focus of this presentation. This workshop is cross-cultural with an emphasis on ancient Mexico and is an extension of the Big History topics we are studying this semester.
William Smith, Archaeologist, and Adjunct Instructor of Archaeology at Chemeketa Community College, is our presenter.

1:00 p.m.
Poems that Count Too, Smullin B-17

Come play with poetry forms that count syllables or words. Discover argonelles, cadae, etheree, ethnographic haiku, fibs, golda, lillibonelles, nonet, pleiades, rhupunt, terse verse, tweeku, Waltz wave to Zanilla. Worksheets with many choices provided. Presentation by Linda Varsell Smith (Introduced by Lois Rosen)

Linda's bio introduction below is a double etheree:



of writing:

novels, journals,

family poems

and weekly newsletter;

taught creative writing, life

story, children's literature;

a small press publisher of rainbow

Communications. Fantasy lover,

she collects miniatures, angels, gnomes,

fairies, books; likes to travel; supports

writing groups, poetry contests,

literary boards; taught

college publication;

edits Calyx,

tries memoir,

loves word


She has five books of poetry: Cinqueries: A Cluster of Cinquos and Lanternes, Fibs and Other Truths, Black Stars on a White Sky, Poems That Count, Poems That Count Too, and 12 novels. She is PEN and OSPA (Oregon State Poetry Association) president, and a member of Poetic License and Mary's Peak Poets. She has been an editor of the Calyx Journal since 1982.

2:00 p.m.
Musical Potpourri, Smullin B-17

Members will present recordings, performances, and commentary on musical subjects of interest. Presenters include: Francis Allen, playing and talking about the Bass Clarinet (with Eunice Porter accompanying); Jan Miller, presenting the London Symphony in a musical composition which celebrates man's achievement in flight and in space; and Arthur Hill presenting the unique and renown Modern Jazz Quartet playing Pyramid.

Tuesday, April 26 All Day

9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Field Trip, Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum, McMinnville

The Field Trip will be to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville. The cost will be $25 (check made out to WUICL). This covers transportation, lunch, a tour of the Space Museum, a tour of the Aviation Museum, and IMAX. Checks will be accepted from March 1st until the bus is full (55 seats). Oddny or Brad Everson, or Henrietta Griffitts will take your check, or you may mail your check to Oddny Everson (address in the Membership Directory).


  • 9:00 a.m. – Depart from Mission Mill 快活视频ing Lot

  • 9:30-11:00 a.m.– Guided Tour of the Aviation Museum

  • 11:00-11:55 a.m. – Guided or self-guided Tour of the Space Museum

12:00-1:00 p.m. – IMAX-HUBBLE 3D

  • 1:00-2:00 p.m. – Mexican Fiesta Buffet in the Aviation Museum (along map wall)

  • 2:00-3:20 p.m. – Free time to explore museums and grounds

  • 3:30 p.m. – Depart

  • 4:00 p.m. – Arrive at Mission Mill

Thursday, April 28

10:00 a.m.
Big History, 快活视频 47: The Next Millennium and the Remote Future, Ford 122

The next milllenium is the hardest to imagine. The best we can do is consider extreme possibilities Will humans migrate again, beyond the Earth? We will discuss the likely future of the Earth, our solar system, and our galaxy.

ICL Presenter: Phil Hanni

11:00 a.m.
Big History, 快活视频 48: Humans in the Cosmos, Ford 122

Human history is embedded in the stories of the biosphere and the Universe as a whole. This origin story offers us a map of our place in space and time. It raises fundamental questions about meaning. Our existence is a matter of immense significance not just for us, but perhaps for the Universe as a whole.

ICL Presenter: Joyce Zook

1:00鈥3:00 p.m.
Writing from Home, Marjorie Sandor, Ford 122

Marjorie Sandor will read from her forthcoming memoir, The Late Interiors, and talk briefly about the way the book emerged from an early morning "gardening journal" kept during a mid-life moment of intense transition and readjustment. From there, we'll dive in to your own writing, working from simple prompts to write about "domestic spaces" in your lives, both present and past, and see what surprises emerge for you.

Marjorie is the author of four books. Her linked story collection, Portrait of my Mother, Who Posed Nude in Wartime: Stories (Sarabande Books) won the National Jewish Book Award in Fiction, and a previous book of essays, The Night Gardner: A Search for Home (The Lyons Press), won the 2000 Oregon Award for Literary Nonfiction.

Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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