

Data Stewards Committee

Committee Charge

  • Review system of records definitions and ensure adherence to guidelines
  • Develop and document a shared vocabulary for data elements shared within the environment
  • Privacy Awareness & Compliance – ensure there’s a legal basis for the personal data that is captured
  • Security Awareness & Compliance – ensure confidential data is stored appropriately
  • Conduct and review an impact analysis of any change in business practice that affects data shared with other systems or business users
  • Conduct regular data integrity tests across the information environment; ensure that processes are in place to update appropriate systems when key data changes such as a department name, building name, etc.
  • Regularly review the electronic data retention policies and the mechanisms used to ensure compliance
  • Develop and recommend to ESAC and the Technology Council policies and procedures for ensuring the integrity of data, both within and across systems
  • Steward the evolution and development of the university’s reporting environment
Willamette University

Data Stewards Committee

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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