

Please help us protect the art. Works of art survive the ravages of time only through constant care. Efforts to preserve these works for the enjoyment of future generations depend on your cooperation.

  • Please do not touch the objects on display.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the museum.
  • Food and beverages are prohibited in the galleries.
  • Drawing is permitted in the galleries (pencil only, no charcoal, ink or paint) with sketchbooks no larger than 8 1/2 x 11 inches.
  • Packages, umbrellas, backpacks, and bags exceeding 11" x 15" may not be taken into the galleries; storage is available free of charge in the lobby.
  • Cell phone conversations are prohibited in the galleries.
  • Photography for personal use is permitted in Permanent Collection galleries only. Works on loan to the Museum or in exhibitions in the Temporary Exhibition galleries may not be photographed. No flash or tripods are allowed. Videotaping is prohibited. No photographs may be reproduced, distributed, or sold without permission from the museum.

If you are interested in obtaining a publication‐quality photograph of an object in our collection, either for publication or study purposes, please contact the museum.

Members of the press should look in the News Room section of the website or contact the Museum at (503) 370-6856 or by email.

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