

Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts

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    Avantika Bawa (American, born India, 1973), Coliseum, Dark Red Sky, 2018, ed. 10, two-color lithograph, 14 x 10 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP18-105.

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    Marwin Begaye (Diné, born 1970), Columbia River Custodian, 2018, ed. 18, eight-color lithograph, 28.25 x 22.25 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP18-101.

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    Raven Chacon, (Diné, born 1977), Horse Notations, 2019, ed. 15, six-color lithograph, 23.75 x 30 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP19-101.

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    Yoonhee Choi, (American, born South Korea, 1970), Trace -1, 2019, ed. 16, seven-color, six run lithograph, 28.5 x 22.25 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP19-118.

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    Jovencio de la Paz, (American, born Singapore, 1986), No future Homeworlds (Mountains), 2020, monoprint, 16.5 x 29.75 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP20-301 (CSPI 1).

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    Modou Dieng, (American, born Senegal, 1970), Crow’s Shadow 2, 2017, ed. 16, two-color lithograph, 25 x 25 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP17-104.

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    Demian Dinéyazhi', (Diné, born 1983), Naasht’ézhí Tábąąhá Girls, 2017, ed. 17, two-color lithograph, 22.5 x 30 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP17-105.

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    Ka’ila Farrell-Smith, (Klamath/Modoc, born 1982), G’EE’LA, 2018, monoprint with lithography, 22 x 15 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP18-302 (CSPI 1).

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    Yatika Starr Fields, (Cherokee/Creek/Osage, born 1980), Impressions of Sanguine, 2019, ed. 16, seven-color lithograph, 28 x 22.25 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP19-108.

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    Yoshihiro Kitai, (American, born Japan, 1969), Total Conflux 3, 2019, ed. 16, three-color lithograph, 30 x 22 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP19-110.


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    James Lavadour, (Walla Walla, born 1951), This Good Land, 2017, ed. 20, four-color lithograph, diptych, 30 x 39.5 inches each, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP17-101(a), (b).

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    Vanessa Renwick, (American, born 1961), disperse, 2018, ed. 18, nine-color lithograph with gold leaf, 22.25 x 22.25 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP18-108.

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    Marie Watt, (Seneca, born 1967), Companion Species (Anthem), 2017, ed. 14, four-color woodcut, 17.5 x 18.5 inches, collection of the Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, CSP17-602.

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