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    nic (American, born 1947), jenny, clyde, and kathryn, 2015, oil on canvas, 70 x 48 inches, courtesy of the artist, Salem, Oregon. Photo by Dale Peterson.


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    sloy (American, born 1943), the laughing woman, 2017, oil on canvas, 63 x 67 inches, courtesy of the artist, Salem, Oregon. Photo by Dale Peterson.


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    nic (American, born 1947), don’s guitar, 2007, cardboard, silk string, aluminum rod, 28.25 x 9.5 x 1.75 inches, collection of Don and Wendy Edwards, Salem, Oregon. Photo by Dale Peterson.

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    sloy (American, born 1943), finding a voice (handsewn pyramid), 2014, canvas, gel medium, embroidery thread, cotton batting, oil paint, sand, 4.5 x 6 x 6 inches, courtesy of the artist, Salem, Oregon. Photo by Dale Peterson.

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    nic (American, born 1947), side by side, 2017, sculpted cardboard, acrylic paint, 36 x 60 x 14.5 inches, courtesy of the artist, Salem, Oregon. Photo by Dale Peterson.

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    sloy (American, born 1943), countdown to bones (19 bone writings in a handsewn canvas box), 2014, oil paint, embroidery thread, ink, cotton batting, gel medium, 5.5 x 5.25 x 5.25 inches, collection of Gary Westford. Photo by Dale Peterson.

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