

Louis Bunce: Dialogue with Modernism

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Essay © 2016 by Roger Hull
© 2016 by the Hallie Ford Museum of Art 
Hardcover, full color, 192 pages
Distributed by University of Washington Press
Available at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art starting 1/20/2017

Louis Bunce: Dialogue with Modernism explores and assesses the art and life of the iconic Pacific Northwest modernist painter and printmaker who engaged with American and European modern art from Surrealism to Post-Modernism. Based in Portland, Oregon, Louis Bunce maintained strong ties with artists of the New York School, counting Jackson Pollock as colleague and friend. In his 50-year career, Bunce (1907-1983) created a wide-ranging body of work that both reflects and illuminates 20th-century modernism. He pioneered serigraphy as a fine art in the Northwest and as a painter infused painterly abstraction with references to the topography and light of the Northwest.

Roger Hull is Professor of Art History emeritus at Willamette University and the senior faculty curator at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art. His has written monographs on the Oregon artists Carl Hall, Jan Zach, Charles Heaney, George Johanson, Harry Widman, Henk Pander, Manuel Izquierdo, and Nelson Sandgren.

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