

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What kind of contract is required?
  2. Are there any restrictions on the type of activities that may occur on site?
  3. Can we have live music?
  4. Are catering options restricted?
  5. Is AV equipment available?
  6. What sort of signage is permissible?

1. What kind of contract is required?

Renters will need to sign a facility rental agreement with Willamette University.

2. Are there any restrictions on the type of activities that may occur on site?

Yes. To protect the museum’s collections and buildings smoking is not permitted, and food and beverages are not allowed in the galleries or the lecture hall. Decorations, including banners, may not be attached to walls or ceiling, and the lobby reception desk may not be moved. Non-commercial floral arrangements are not permitted on-site; commercially prepared floral arrangements are permitted in the lobby only. There is no access to the museum’s gardens.

3. Can we have live music?

Yes, however space that is available for musicians is limited. The lobby area is suited to small musical groups, such as duos and quartets.

4. Are catering options restricted?

All catering must be contracted through the University's catering service, . Only standing receptions and buffet meals are permitted, there is no table service.

5. Is AV equipment available?

Yes, AV equipment and setup is available through Willamette Integrated Technology Services (WITS).

6. What sort of signage is permissible?

Signs cannot be attached to the walls or windows. A sign on an easel is permitted.

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