

Honors Policies

Willamette recognizes academic excellence by awarding the Latin Honors of summa cum laude (with highest honors), magna cum laude (with high honors) and cum laude (with honors) at the time of degree conferral. Latin Honors are recorded on students' academic transcripts.

Graduates with a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.90 will be awarded summa cum laude; those with at least 3.85 will be awarded magna cum laude; and those with at least 3.80 will be awarded cum laude.


A student may graduate with department honors in the major field of study by distinguished completion of a thesis, research project, performance or creative exhibition, by attainment of a departmentally specified cumulative grade point average for courses within the major and by completing other requirements as prescribed by the major program faculty.

A student may be named to the College Honors List for any semester during which the student earns a g.p.a. of 3.75 or better with no fewer than twelve credits of graded undergraduate coursework. A notation of this achievement is made on the student's transcript.

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