

Course Listings


PSYC 370 Topics in Psychology (4)

This course allows members of the Psychology Department to offer topical courses, in areas not already part of the curriculum, which can be tailored to meet student and faculty interests. May be repeated for credit.

Note: This course may count in one of the following foundation categories of the Psychology major depending on the topics offered.

PSYC 370A Topics in Psychology: Clinical and Applied

PSYC 370B Topics in Psychology: Biological and Psychophysical Processes

PSYC 370C Topics in Psychology: Cognitive and Learning

PSYC 370D Topics in Psychology: Social, Developmental, and Personality

  • General Education Requirement: Natural 快活视频s, Social 快活视频s, as indicated by course
  • Prerequisite: PSYC 210
  • Offering: Alternate years
  • Instructor: Staff

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