

Course Listings

Public Health

PHEAL 120 Global Health through Film (4)

Global Health through Film provides first and second year students a film-centered introduction to an array of complex real-life social issues and health challenges facing our contemporary world. Students will be introduced to a variety of filmic genres and will screen films produced to meet diverse aims by individuals and organizations from five continents. They will explore how communities in different areas of the world meet their basic human needs and how they contend with new challenges to: the spread of chronic and communicable diseases; occupational and environmental health; substance addiction and gun violence; and human health threats caused by climate disruption. Students will analyze these and other health issues by synthesizing, evaluating and applying knowledge from social and biological sciences and the humanities. The course provides a broad and image-packed introduction to the discipline and practice of global health.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: World Engagement: CV
  • Offering: Alternate falls
  • Instructor: Fofana, Millen

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