

Course Listings


MUSE 029X University Chamber Orchestra (1)

The Willamette University Chamber Orchestra offers students of any major an opportunity to participate in an orchestral performance ensemble at the University.  Through the process of musical preparation of repertoire for performance, students explore the cultural, historical, and musical backgrounds of the composers whose music is being performed. Though no competitive audition is required for enrollment, each person enrolled in the course will perform an informal playing demonstration for the director before the first rehearsal; these demonstrations give the director an awareness of individuals’ musical backgrounds, as well as the overall performance potential of the orchestra.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Staff

MUSE 031X Jazz Ensemble (1)

The Willamette Jazz Collective is the premiere instrumental jazz ensemble at Willamette University. Comprising a full rhythm section with six to eight melodic instruments (winds/strings), this select group of 12 to 14 musicians performs compositions and arrangements from across the full spectrum of jazz, ranging from the music of Duke Ellington and Charles Mingus to modern works by John Hollenbeck and Maria Schneider. In addition to a creative focus on high level ensemble communication and improvisation, the WJC places special emphasis on the music of today, with frequent premieres of original works by emerging jazz composers, unique re-imaginings of popular songs from other genres and compositions and arrangements by Willamette University students.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Open to qualified instrumentalists by audition
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Miley

MUSE 032X University Concert Band (1)

The Willamette University Concert Band offers students of any major an opportunity to participate in a band performance ensemble at the University.  Through the process of musical preparation of repertoire for performance, students explore the cultural, historical, and musical backgrounds of the composers whose music is being performed. Though no competitive audition is required for enrollment, each person enrolled in the course will perform an informal playing demonstration for the director before the first rehearsal; these demonstrations give the director an awareness of individuals’ musical backgrounds, as well as the overall performance potential of the ensemble. The University Band is open to students who play woodwinds, brass, and percussion.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Staff

MUSE 034X Dramatic Vocal Arts (1)

This workshop offers students a rich experience with opera, and an in-depth integration of stage movement, character analysis and vocal skill. The Dramatic Vocal Arts presents two productions during the school year. One evening of operatic scenes with piano accompaniment is performed during the fall semester, and one fully staged, costumed production with orchestral accompaniment is presented during the spring semester. In this class, students develop the skills needed to pursue a professional career. Recent productions include Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro, Puccini’s Suor Angelica, Die Fledermaus, by Johann Strauss, Mozart’s Cosi fan Tutte, Our Town by Ned Rorem, and Hansel and Gretel by Humperdinck.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Open by audition
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Skovira

MUSE 036X Chamber Music (1)

The coaching and performing of major works from the chamber music literature, with emphasis on rehearsal technique and small ensemble skills. Typical chamber groups are: Flute Choir, Trumpet Choir, Trombone Choir, Woodwind Quartet, Waller String Quartet, Brass Quintet, and Small Jazz Ensemble. Other chamber groups may be created depending on the availability of qualified instrumentalists. May be repeated for credit.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Staff

MUSE 037X Willamette Singers (1)

Exploration of vocal jazz literature for small groups. Performs both on and off campus; in some years a concert tour is taken. May be repeated for credit.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Open to qualified musicians by audition
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Staff

MUSE 040X Chamber Choir (1)

Exploration of choral literature for mixed voices from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary style periods, including both unaccompanied and instrumentally accompanied works. In some years a concert tour is taken. May be repeated for credit.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Open to advanced musicians by audition
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Engbretson

MUSE 043X Voce (1)

Exploration of a wide variety of choral literature suitable for treble range voices. Particular attention will be given to the development of vocal technique and musicianship. May be repeated for credit.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Open to qualified musicians by audition
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Engbretson

MUSE 044X Vox (1)

Exploration of a wide variety of choral literature suitable for bass/tenor range voices. Particular attention will be given to the development of vocal technique and musicianship. May be repeated for credit.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Open to qualified musicians by audition
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Klemme

MUSE 099X Seminar in the Art of Piano Accompanying (1)

The study of the art of piano accompanying. Emphasis on sight reading and the development of the listening and interpreting skills necessary for successful ensemble performance. Weekly seminar which includes live performances by students, lectures, discussions and assigned listening. May be repeated for credit.

  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Coen

MUSE 102X Coordinate Movement for Musicians (1)

This course is designed for students interested in exploring movement as it relates to playing a musical instrument, singing or acting. Students will learn Body Mapping, a method for improving coordination. Participants gain ease in performing, learn how improved coordination enables them to better avoid fatigue, injury and technical limitation, and thereby be able to more completely realize their musical and artistic intentions.

  • Prerequisite: Experience with singing or playing an instrument (need not be advanced)
  • Offering: Alternate years
  • Instructor: Staff

MUSE 160X Rhythm Workshop (1)

An exploration of the various components of the rhythmic language in western and world musics, culminating in a public performance featuring both pre-composed and improvised works. Meets two hours per week. Required of all music majors and minors.

  • Offering: Fall Semester
  • Instructor: Miley

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