

Course Listings

International Studies

INTST 205 Comparative Politics (4)

This course introduces ideas and approaches key to understanding the political systems of different countries. Using examples and case studies from around the world, it introduces concepts that illuminate their similarities and differences, considers theoretical perspectives that explain those patterns, and examines trends of continuity and change in the political systems of countries around the world. Possible topics include: states (formation, structure, and strength, weakness or failure); state-society relations; collective identities and social movements; civil society; political regimes (democracy, authoritarian, and hybrid) and regime dynamics; electoral systems, bureaucracy and governance; formal, contentious, and revolutionary politics.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Social 快活视频s; World Engagement: CV 
  • Prerequisite: Closed to seniors
  • Offering: Annually
  • Instructor: Felker

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