

Course Listings

Global Cultural Studies

GCS 105 Introduction to Global Cultural Studies (4)

This course provides a broad introduction to the comparative study of peoples, cultures, and languages from major regions of the world. Topical themes may include language and culture; ritual and religion; power and hegemony; race and racism; class and inequality; gender and sexuality; local and global environment; health and healing; internal and transnational migration; ethnicity and nationalism; and kinship, family, and marriage. Students will explore varied ways of learning about cultural similarities and differences, as well as local, regional, national, and international interconnections and power dynamics among groups. They will examine how divergent sources of popular and academic literature, news, film, and ethnographic works represent cultures and provide—or do not provide—political-economic context.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts and Humanities; Social 快活视频s; PDE; World Engagement: CV
  • Offering: Every semester
  • Instructor: Staff

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