

Course Listings

Environmental 快活视频

ENVS 391W Research in Geoarchaeology (4)

Archaeological geology applies methods and theories from the geologic sciences to archaeological problems. This course will cover the processes associated with sedimentation and stratigraphy at archaeological sites and the geological approaches used to uncover cultural traits associated with the deposits. Geomorphic processes that impact site selection, formation, preservation, and identification will be addressed, as will macroscopic, petrographic, geochemical and isotopic techniques for characterizing and provenancing archaeological material. Geophysical survey methods and theories will also be reviewed. Throughout the course, the theoretical foundation that underlies the union between geology and archaeology will be stressed.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Natural 快活视频s
  • Prerequisite: ENVS 121
  • Offering: Alternate Years
  • Instructor: Pike

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