

Course Listings

Studio Art

ARTS 343 Printmaking: Monoprints and Mixed-Media (4)

Monoprinting is the perfect platform for introducing the elements of mixed-media that incorporate drawing, collage, painting, cut paper, digital printing and the three-dimensional aspects of image making. Since monoprints are unique and not editioned, this medium allows us the opportunity to explore contemporary processes of image making that stress the concept of working in a series, rather than creating a single, end-in-itself piece. Demonstrations will be given in color monoprinting and the introduction of mixed-media elements into the contemporary practice of producing series-based works that integrate these various media within the discipline of printmaking.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Any ARTS Course
  • Offering: Alternate Years
  • Instructor: Staff

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