

Course Listings


ARCH 499W Archaeology Senior Thesis Seminar (4)

This capstone course is dedicated to the process of research and writing of the senior thesis for Archaeology majors. It consists of weekly meetings in which students discuss readings about current topics in archaeology as well as interpretive issues directly related to their specific thesis projects. The course includes in-class workshops related to library research, writing, citation, illustration, and, if needed, specific methods such as photography, technical drawing, or pXRF analysis. Students are required to meet specific deadlines for partial drafts of their thesis, which will be read and critiqued by the thesis advisor(s). At the end of the course, the students are also required to make a formal presentation of the most significant aspects of their research.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Arts & Humanities, Social 快活视频s
  • Prerequisite: Senior standing or by permission
  • Offering: Annually
  • Instructor: Nicgorski

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