

Visiting Artists/Scholars

Spring 2018 Grant Applications Due December 15, 2017, by 5:00 pm

Visiting Scholars: Bring a single or a series of visiting scholars to campus to engage students with production or analysis of cultural products. There is no set cap on budgets but we are reaching the end of the funds so budgets of $1,500 or less are encouraged. Priority will be given to proposals from faculty not recently funded. Faculty stipends as part of the budget are discouraged.

Examples of types of visiting scholars:

  • Visiting lectures, seminars, workshops by artists
  • Visiting lectures, seminars, workshops by historians, curators, or others working with cultural products in archives, museums, popular media, etc.
  • Visiting workshops in media production

All applications welcome. Priority will be given to those proposals that emphasize contact time with students and bring visitor(s) to campus for more than a single-day visit, either through several day (or longer) visit by a single scholar/creative professional or through cumulative presence of a series of scholars/creative professionals.

All expenses must be turned in by April 1 for Spring 2018 grants.

**Please note that you must also obtain a contract letter for Visiting Scholars that must accompany any requests for payment.**

Examples of Past Proposals

Willamette University

Learning by Creating

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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