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An update from President Thorsett

May 2024

Dear Willamette Community, 

As the leader of one of the oldest Methodist-affiliated universities in the country, the rift between Willamette's commitment to what we believe to be Wesleyan values of inclusion and service to the world and the United Methodist Church's (UMC) stance on the full humanity of its LGBTQ members has been very difficult for me to reconcile and understand. For years during which our own policies and expressed values have stood in opposition to those officially taken by the church, it has been important to know that we were joined by many others including the entire leadership of the Western Jurisdiction in recognizing the need to address what I believed to be a critical issue for the future of Willamette and the UMC. It took too long to get here, but I am very happy and very grateful that yesterday a huge majority at the General Conference finally lifted the bans on gay clergy and same-sex marriages.

As some of you know, in recognition of our founding and our shared heritage and values Willamette's Board of Trustees includes, through our bylaws, a UMC clergy member and we invite the participation of our area Bishop as a non-voting member. Both of them, the Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan and Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth, are quoted in 

Only a small fraction of the Willamette community today identifies as Methodist, but Willamette alumni, affiliates, and friends were deeply involved in the hard and important work of moving the heart of the UMC so decisively. To all of them, I offer my thanks and congratulations. This is a victory to celebrate.

Non nobis solum,


President Steven Thorsett
Willamette University

Alumni and Parent Engagement

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.