

Working Group on Sexual Assault and Harassment

The President鈥檚 Working Group on Sexual Assault and Harassment is co-chaired by Margaret Trout, the director of Bishop Wellness Center, and Kristen Grainger in her capacity as the university鈥檚 Title IX coordinator.

The working group membership is derived from volunteers or interested individuals nominated by members of the campus community, vetted by the co-chairs and selected by the President. It should be broadly representative of the campus community and also include appropriate delegates from local public safety and survivor assistance agencies such as Mid-Willamette Valley Women’s Crisis Service, Marion County District Attorney’s Office and Salem Police Department.

In consultation and partnership with the Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force, the working group is charged with reviewing and making recommendations to the President regarding:

  • the university’s sexual assault education, outreach and prevention efforts;
  • the university’s sexual assault response policies and procedures;
  • and various services and care available to survivors of sexual assault and utilization of those services.

The working group is further encouraged to consult with Willamette students, faculty and staff, particularly front-line Willamette staff who are involved with sexual assault prevention and response on our campus, as well as alumni, parents and other stakeholders as appropriate. The group also should identify and consider for possible adoption various 'best practices' models currently in place at similarly-structured institutions of higher education regionally and nationally. The working group is encouraged to begin work as soon as practicable and, while safeguarding confidentiality as appropriate, conduct its business with transparency and openness to the greatest extent possible. Unless otherwise indicated, the President’s Working Group on Sexual Harassment and Assault’s charge is fulfilled upon submission of its recommendations.

Willamette University

Office of the President

Salem Campus

Waller Hall, 5th Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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