ࡱ> ,.+%`  bjbjNN 4,,  N $ hl f " V0p" 0N  : ~ 0Z0@p4 N  First Name: Middle Name: Last/Family Name: These need to match the passport, and we'll need the copy of the passport bio page before we can issue immigration documents. We can receive that via fax (503-370-6565) or as an email attachment of a scanned image. Gender: Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): City of Birth: Country of Birth: Country of Citizenship: Country of Permanent Residence: Highest level of education, and if not yet B.A., year in school: Degree specialty: Occupation in home country: Current employer: Any previous stays in the U.S. on a J-1 visa? If so, give dates (start and end) and J-1 category (professor, student, researcher, etc.): Address to which document will be sent: Phone # to which document will be sent: Email address (in case it's needed): Are they bringing any dependents (spouse, children)? Is yes, provide all of the following details (and passport bio page) for each dependent person: First Name: Middle Name: Last/Family Name: Gender: Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): City of Birth: Country of Birth: Country of Citizenship: Country of Permanent Residence: Relationship to you (spouse, child):   hs*hHhN]vhI   @   L ^gds*gdI 21h:pH/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List4U@4 I Hyperlink >*ph@L00000000000000   ʴDʹl}Ď77,,  <<009*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplaceB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity $+?[\33/HA m m ' `' (HA ddE1' /:' s*%4WN]vHI@R0@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qhn f!x242QHX)?H2 First Name: Chris AndresenWITSOh+'0  < H T`hpxFirst Name: Chris Andresen Normal.dotWITS6Microsoft Office Word@캃@-Y@1V՜.+,0 hp  Willamette University'  First Name: Title  !"$%&'()*-Root Entry FV0p/Data  1TableWordDocument4SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8#CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q