Spring 2017 Enrollment Numbers

Spring 2017 Enrollment Numbers | Willamette University


Spring 17 Headcount as of January 21, 2017

  FULLTIME (FT) PARTTIME (PT) Headcount Total FTE Total (=FT+PT/3)
      Men Women Total Men Women Total
College of Liberal Arts                
Degree-seeking 11 Freshman 205 250 455       455 455
  12 Sophomore 203 256 459 2   2 461 460
  13 Junior 187 248 435   1 1 436 435
  14 Senior 168 213 381 12 53 65 446 403
Degree-seeking Total     763 967 1,730 14 54 68 1,798 1,753
Non-degree 16 LA Special/Non-degree 13 39 52 9 11 20 72 59
  17 Cross-Registrant         2 2 2 1
  18 Gifted Scholar       3   3 3 1
  19 Tokyo International U of A 62 58 120       120 120
Non-degree Total     75 97 172 12 13 25 197 180
College of Liberal Arts Total 838 1,064 1,902 26 67 93 1,995 1,933
NEW CLA Degree-seeking Students (included above)                
Freshmen 11 Freshman   1 1       1 1
Freshmen Total       1 1       1 1
Transfer 11 Freshman 5 3 8       8 8
  12 Sophomore 3   3       3 3
  13 Junior 1   1       1  
Transfer Total     9 3 12       12 12
College of Liberal Arts Total 9 4 13       13 13
  FULLTIME (FT) PARTTIME (PT) Headcount Total FTE Total
      Men Women Total Men Women Total
College of Law                
Degree-seeking 21 Law 1st Year 53 42 95   1 1 96 95
  22 Law 2nd Year 32 44 76       76 76
  23 Law 3rd Year 31 34 65 3 4 7 72 67
  27 Master in Legal Studies 2   2   1 1 3 2
  29 LLM Students 8 3 11       11 11
  56 Law 1 PT Year 1 2 1 3   1 1 4 3
  57 Law 1 PT Year 2 1 2 3       3 3
  58 Law 2 PT   2 2 1 1 2 4 3
  59 Law 3 PT 1 1 2   1 1 3 2
Degree-seeking Total     130 129 259 4 9 13 272 263
Non-degree 26 Law Special/Non-Degree                
College of Law Total 130 129 259 4 9 13 272 263
Joint Degree: JD/MBA, BA/JD, BA/MBA                
Degree-seeking 51 JD/MBA 1st Year At Atkinson 5 1 6       6 6
  52 JD/MBA 2nd Year At Law 1   1       1 1
  53 JD/MBA 3rd Year At Both 1   1       1 1
  54 JD/MBA 4th Year At Both 3 1 4   1 1 5 4
  64 BA/MBA 4th Year 10 3 13       13 13
  65 BA/MBA 5th Year 3 10 13       13 13
  66 BA/JD First Year   1 1       1 1
  68 BA/JD Third Year   1 1       1 1
Degree-seeking Total     23 17 40   1 1 41 40
Joint Degree JD/MBA, BA/JD, BA/MBA Total 23 17 40   1 1 41 40
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                
Degree-seeking: Early Career 31 Atkinson 1st Year 23 24 47       47 47
  32 Atkinson 2nd Year 35 26 61 1   1 62 61
Degree-seeking: Early Career Subtotal   58 50 108 1   1 109 108
Degree-seeking: Professional 33 Atkinson Pro 1st Year 34 47 81 1 4 5 86 83
  34 Atkinson Pro 2nd Year 18 16 34 1 3 4 38 35
Degree-seeking: Professional Subtotal   52 63 115 2 7 9 124 118
Degree-seeking Total     110 113 223 3 7 10 233 226
Non-degree 36 Atkinson-Special/Non-degree 1 2 3       3 3
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total 111 115 226 3 7 10 236 229
  1,102 1,325 2,427 33 84 117 2,544 2,466
  Other, Non-Program (Not Included Above)                  
  FULLTIME (FT) PARTTIME (PT) Headcount Total FTE Total
      Men Women Total Men Women Total
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                
  76 Atkinson Certificate Program       33 44 77 77 26
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total       33 44 77 77 26
College of Liberal Arts                
  83 CLA Off-Campus Junior 1 2 3       3 3
  91 Non Credit Undergrad         1 1 1 0
College of Liberal Arts Total 1 2 3   1 1 4 3