Fall 2015 Enrollment by Age

Fall 2015 Enrollment by Age | Willamette University


Fall 2015 University Enrollment by Age

  Less than 18 18 To 25 Age Group 26 and Older Unknown Grand Total
      <18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-49 50+  
College of Liberal Arts                          
Degree-seeking 11 Freshman 21 422 104 15 1 1 1         565
  12 Sophomore   23 356 111 25 1   2     518
  13 Junior 1 1 15 292 93 18 5   4     429
  14 Senior     1 30 284 75 16 2 2 3     413
Degree-seeking Total     22 446 476 448 403 94 23 2 2 9     1,925
Non-degree 16 LA Special/Non-degree 1   12 12 4 9 2 1 2 2 1 18 64
  17 Cross-Registrant       1 2           3
  18 Gifted Scholar 4               2 6
  19 Tokyo International U of A     43 67 10 2 1 1 1     125
Non-degree Total     5   55 80 16 11 3 1 3 3 1 20 198
College of Liberal Arts Total 27 446 531 528 419 105 26 3 5 12 1 20 2,123
College of Law                          
Degree-seeking 21 Law 1st Year       2 14 13 10 12 38 2   91
  22 Law 2nd Year       2 6 19 12 8 36     83
  23 Law 3rd Year         1 2 11 14 73     101
  27 Master in Legal Studies         2     4 2   8
  29 LLM Students           2 6 14     22
  56 Law 1 PT Year 1           3 1     4
  57 Law 1 PT Year 2           1   3     4
  58 Law 2 PT             4 1   5
  59 Law 3 PT             1     1
Degree-seeking Total             4 23 34 36 43 174 5   319
Non-degree 26 Law Special/Non-Degree         1   1           2
College of Law Total         5 23 35 36 43 174 5   321
Joint Degree JD/MBA                          
Degree-seeking 51 JD/MBA 1st Year At Atkinson         1   1     2
  53 JD/MBA 3rd Year At Both         1 3 1 2     7
  54 JD/MBA 4th Year At Both           3 1 10     14
  64 BA/MBA 4th Year       3 7 2     1     13
  65 BA/MBA 5th Year       1 14 3 1       19
  67 BA/JD Second Year       1 1           2
Degree-seeking Total           3 9 17 5 6 3 14     57
Joint Degree JD/MBA Total       3 9 17 5 6 3 14     57
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                          
Degree-seeking: Early Career 31 Atkinson 1st Year       3 8 16 7 8 24     66
  32 Atkinson 2nd Year         9 12 12 34     67
Degree-seeking: Early Career Subtotal           3 8 25 19 20 58     133
Degree-seeking: Professional 33 Atkinson Pro 1st Year         1 2 3 55 3 3 67
  34 Atkinson Pro 2nd Year           3 1 37 6   47
Degree-seeking: Professional Subtotal               1 5 4 92 9 3 114
Degree-seeking Total             3 8 26 24 24 150 9 3 247
Non-degree 36 Atkinson-Special/Non-degree           2       2
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total         3 8 26 24 26 150 9 3 249
UNIVERSITY UNDUPLICATED HEADCOUNT TOTAL 27 446 531 531 436 153 92 69 77 350 15 23 2,750
  Other, Non-Program (Not Included Above)                            
  Less than 18 18 To 25 Age Group 26 and Older Unknown Grand Total
      <18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-49 50+  
College of Liberal Arts                          
  15 Willamette Academy 158             80 238
  83 CLA Off-Campus Junior       1   1           2
  84 CLA Off-Campus Senior       1           1
  91 Non Credit Undergrad   1                 5 1 7
College of Liberal Arts, Non-Degree Total 158 1   1 1 1         5 81 248
Atkinson Graduate School of Management                          
Non-degree 76 Atkinson Certificate Program                   56 17 5 78
Atkinson Graduate School of Management Total                   56 17 5 78