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Similarly, a module might prepare students to ask appropriate research-able questions, or to develop research methodologies. Grants: LARC will support the development of modules for 12 courses each year, some of them arising from summer collaborative experiences, some of them from independent proposals. Each module will follow a prescribed format: clear and precise articulation of student learning outcomes, an inquiry-based learning intervention (inquiry-based pedagogical activity or set of activities/ assignments), description of a meaningful instrument designed to assess gains to student learning. Redesigned Courses: The Willamette faculty has long sought opportunities and sustainable models for interdisciplinary teaching. LARC 2.0 supports several models for developing student-faculty research communities that will make meaningful and lasting penetration into and impact on the Willamette curriculum. Priority Category: Capstone Courses: What/Why: Senior theses in the arts, humanities, and human sciences at Willamette are defined primarily as independent studies supervised by a faculty member from the major department, with students meeting together for instruction on library research, project management, peer review of drafts, and oral presentations of work in progress. A minority of these students, between 20 and 30 each year, complete their senior theses in Humanities Seminars. Here, students meet in a seminar around a single text of major significance and each writes a thesis on that text. LARC 2.0 recognizes the success of the Humanities Seminar model and seeks to expand it to other senior capstones in several ways Grants: Priority funding status will be given to proposals for thematic capstone courses for fourth-year students, some of which may derive from summer research communities. LARC 2.0 will also support faculty members whose project in a summer research collaborative is focused on course development that extends the work begun in the summer with two students to a seminar of eight or more students. LARC 2.0 will also fund proposals for redesign of senior capstone courses that engage in student-faculty research independent of summer research collaborations. College Colloquium: Successful proposals for redesigned courses may also be directed to the beginning of the Willamette curriculum, the College Colloquium. All sections of College Colloquium meet at one of two scheduled hours, making collaborations between sections logistically simple. Intermediate level Clusters: Clusters at the intermediate level merge the concepts of research communities and learning communities (in which students are enrolled together in two or more courses). Program Revision: What/Why: LARC 2.0 will support program revision aimed at scaffolding instruction and experiences in research. Program faculty will be supported to spend significant time on studying best practices, consulting with experts in undergraduate research, and thoroughly examining their own program outcomes and assessments. Examples of curriculum revision at the program level include: infusion of more strategically-placed (i.e., earlier in program curriculum) research-relevant course offerings; rearrangement and subsequent testing of existing program curricula to engage students in research more frequently, thereby better preparing them for available summer research opportunities; repositioning of capstone experiences relative to methodology coursework so as to better prepare students for their respective senior experience(s). Program revision could result in subsequent proposals for course enrichment through inquiry-based modules. Grants: The goal of improving curriculum at the program level will serve as the driving force behind funding decisions made in support of this form of curricular innovation. Proposals due 22 January 2019 Progress Reports due August 2019; Final Reports due May 31, 2020 Stipends: $2000 for modules; $4000 for course revision; $2000 per faculty for program revision Small budget for Supplies & Materials may be proposed LARC 2.0 SUMMER RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS Research communities begin with at least two faculty members from different academic disciplines who have identified a theme or problem for research in common. They will recruit student researchers at the annual Willamette Collaborative Forum and develop proposals for summer research and collaboration. LARC 2.0 establishes an expectation of two students per faculty member. While maintaining close student-faculty relationships, LARC 2.0 devotes more resources to students and acknowledges the benefits of working closely with a peer researcher as well as with a faculty mentor. In the two or three resulting research communities selected for summer research, each member is responsible for defining an individual research question, for gathering data, for interpreting the data and forming conclusions, and for presenting their research findings in a paper (often multimodal and/or in different forms for different audiences). Through the summer, the research communities will meet regularly to discuss work in progress and to provide interdisciplinary perspectives on one anothers work. Faculty participants focus their research community work in either or both of two ways. First, they can produce a traditional scholarly product (e.g., an exhibition, essay, or chapter). Second, they can focus their research community experience on developing one of the curricular innovations described above. When a research community submits a proposal to participate in the LARC summer program, faculty participants will indicate their intended focus. Paragraphs from faculty describing their individual projects due 23 October 2018 Research forum (presenting topics to interested students) 4 November 2018 Full collaborative team proposals due 22 January 2019 Student research presentations (project completion) and all reports due September 2019 Stipend per faculty member, $2000 Stipend per student, $4000 Modest research budget available ($1500 per faculty + 2 student team) Travel support for conference participation for 4 faculty members and 4 students available ($1500 per person) '/}F G u 4 8  D   ! - . 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